Automatic Case Packers

High-speed case packing

Automatic case packers offer high-speed and efficient case packing solutions, ensuring reliable performance for various packaging needs. Ideal for high-volume operations, these packers feature customizable settings for different case sizes, providing consistent and efficient case packing.

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    Ideal for high-volume operations

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    Customizable settings available

Available Options

    Case sizes: 8" x 6" x 4" to 24" x 16" x 20"
    Packing speed: up to 40 cases per minute
    PLC control
    Quick-changeover features
    Integrated case sealing

Features and Benefits

  • High-speed operation
  • Reliable packing
  • Efficient packaging
  • Products, Equipment, and Support

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  • Dedicated Customer Service and Support

  • We understand how important it is to keep your business up and running. Contact us today for help with keeping you running.